最近推出了最新的盒抽版本的Ninja Spiki dunny
Nakanari 並在創作腳色時
像這次的Ninja Spiki dunny
主要是由早期Nakanari 客製化8"Dunny的腳色延伸而來
並且加入了更多屬於Ninja Spiki 的配件
都是期Nakanari 精心的設計
因此喜歡dunny的朋友也請多多支持期Nakanari 的創作囉
When I go about designing a new character or family of characters, I try to breathe life into them and give them their own life stories of who they are and how they came to be. Each of them has their own background story. For example, my Spiki is a super ninja in his mind, and he spends his time daydreaming of how he might save the world in different situations. Whatever he tries to do is accomplished in a humorous manner- he’s a lovable character with good intentions but sometimes not quite as skilled as he might think. In the end, though, he comes through and saves the day!
The idea of the Ninja Spiki dunny originated from an 8″ dunny custom that I created for a private collector. The finished piece looked great and was one of the favorites that I had done, so we (Mai Hiro) pitched the design for the mini series. In order to distinguish it from other figures in the series, we added more intricate details like Spiki’s flowing red scarf and a bloody splattered bandage. I’m happy with the final production version and how close it was to my original design
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